Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would end up spending five weeks of the summer before my senior year in Nicaragua. When the opportunity arose I was totally against it. "I can't go to there," was probably one of the first thoughts that went through my head. But I started doing research and realized that Nicaragua seemed like a place that I could actually enjoy being in. Then I realized that I hadn't spoken any Spanish in four years and just about convinced myself that this trip was not for me. After a few restless nights of pondering over the idea of leaving the only place I've ever really known, I told myself that if I ever wanted to prove something to myself, now was the time to do it. I have big dreams of traveling the world someday, and why should I keep putting them off. So I gathered the courage to fill out the paperwork and plan my finances. Everything began falling into place for me and this trip. Before I knew it, it was the first week of July and my bags had to get packed. I think I was so excited to get on the plane and make new friends that I could have ran miles if I tried.
During the days leading up to July 6, I kept trying to imagine what Nicaragua was going to be like. I had no idea what was in store for me. Where was I going to be sleeping? What was the weather going to be like? Am I actually going to eat food while I'm there? Questions just kept flying through my head waiting to be answered.

Finally, I stepped off the plane in Managua ready to dive into whatever was going to be thrown at me. I was scared shitless. Proudly, I can say that it's been only 5 days since that plane ride, and I've never been more comfortable with a group of people than I am right now. Coming from a different school was going to be a challenge, but the girls of the program completely accepted me and my art.
I'm happy to say that I've figured out where I'm supposed to be sleeping, and that the weather can fluctuate quickly, but it's different and I like it.
I've eaten so much fresh fruit with my breakfast, that I'm going to implement it into my diet when I return home. Also, on the first full day, I had the freshest fish in my life thus far: fried Tilapia... still with all its bones. Let's just say there's plenty for me to eat and not be worried.
I can't wait to see what San Juan de Limay has instore for me!
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