Saturday, July 31, 2010


It's lunch time. Marci (my extraordinary project partner) is out taking a well deserved lunch break and I am sitting in the sweltering Vimau office...blogging. It's more exciting than it sounds. We've been making some real progress on our video about Esteli women despite some stressful setbacks. I'm feeling positive. We're deep into the editing process now, no more filming. In fact we are supposed to share our finished video with the group tonight... I'm hoping for an oscar nomination. I think that's totally doable... how hard could it be?
Back in reality, I'm really proud of what all the groups have been able to do with the short amount of time that we've had to create these videos. We've got four groups working on different topics: Tobacco/cigar production in Esteli, Esteli's historical background its relationship to Esteli today, the lives of women in Esteli, and a documentation of the collaboration between Vimau, the muralist collective, and MICA. I imagine they will all be on the internet at some point. Keep an eye out.
Awesome pictures of our trip to be added later, bye for now.

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